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HTML5 SPA Essentials
An opinionated list of essential functionalities for HTML5 Single-Page-Apps (SPA)
Authored by Ralf S. Engelschall
Last modified on 2015-06
Stop seeking, start using!
Welcome to my opinionated list of essential functionalities for developing HTML5 Single-Page-Apps (SPA). I'm regularly seeking the net for new useful solutions and evaluating a lot of them. For each functionality area there are usually one or more reasonable solutions. Nevertheless, I force myself to pick a single personal preference and add it to the following list. To let others also benefit from these evaluation results, I provide this list publically. If you disagree with any product selection, please feel free to just publish your own list.

Please notice: this list does not mean that for every SPA project you should use — or even have to use — all those functionalities and this way all those great products. Instead, the following is just a full-blown list of all potential functionalities and their corresponding products. So, for every particular SPA project, your goal always has to be to get through with just the minimum subset of the listed products, of course.

Hint: we provide generated package.json (for NPM) and bower.json (for Bower) configuration files which you can strip down for your own project easily.

* product authored by Ralf S. Engelschall